
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Specialist Spotlight: Ben Porter Edition

Where, oh where do I begin? How do you describe a legend? Mr. Porter has been the music teacher at Beverly for 17 years. In those 17 years, he has instilled a love of music, a love of learning, and a sense of pride in thousands of students.
He is also an amazing father and family man. Being around him at school might make you think he throws all of his energy into his job. He does put a lot of time and energy in at work, but makes sure his wife,\ Candice and children Jack and Sophia know how much he loves them. He is also very handy, so I hear he puts a lot of work in around the house on that honey-do list.

When I taught first grade, my class always had music on Friday afternoons. What a fun way to end the week! I always went to get my class about ten minutes early, just so I could hang out in the music room and watch Mr. Porter in action. I always learned something, laughed, and most of all I had fun! Imagine how the students must feel? 

Ben is an amazing musician. Every year he writes a song for the Teacher of the Year and performs it for the school. When it was my turn for the TOTY song, he really nailed it. He even threw in my "T-Money" nickname! 

You can imagine how excited I was when Ben was nominated for TOTY. I got the great honor to help create a song for him and rap it out for the whole school with two of my fabulous coworkers. We had so much fun and it was so easy because there are so many wonderful things to say about Ben.

His concerts are a work of art! Each grade level has a theme and it fits perfectly with the classroom curriculum. In first grade, the program is called "All About Animals". It incorporates information from animal research and talks about the field trip to the Dallas Zoo. He loves to incorporate props and costumes into his concerts. One of the songs in 1st grade is a progressive song about different colored birds sitting in a tree. He came up with the idea to have the birds be the Angry Birds and collected all of the birds in stuffed animal form. 
He came to me one day with that excited twinkle in his eye and said, "What if we have a teacher launch the birds across the stage and have students catch them?". Now, y'all know I was all over this. We did it for several years and it was really cute. And then one year, it was not so cute. I was throwing the birds across the stage and one of them sort of misfired and flew right into a group of kids hitting a sweet little girl in the face. On her birthday. He continued to sing through his laughter and maybe one of these days I will live that down. Oh, and he still insisted that I throw the birds the next year. You're a brave man, Ben Porter. It is his ability to laugh and have fun, even when something is going awry.

You can check out Mr. Porter on Twitter @BeverlyEleMusic 

Get ready to get inside the mind of musical genius...
King Porter

How long have you been teaching? 

This is year 20!

Have you taught any other subject or worked in any other capacity in schools? 

I taught theater in summer school, but mainly just music.

He also teaches private guitar lessons and I have heard amazing things from students who have gone to him!

What is your favorite story about a student? 

A girl joined our 5th grade class mid-year after being at a Catholic school most of her life. One day in class, she was very eager to answer a question. I remember her waving her hand frantically yelling, "Sister Porter, Sister Porter". I have been called many things, but that was a new one.
I laughed out loud hearing this story!

What is your favorite lesson to teach?

I really enjoy bringing the history of music to life in my room. I tell the students that the word "history" sounds really boring. It should be called "Cool Stuff That Happened, Which You Need to Know About". For example, recorded music as we know it today has only been around for a century or so.

What inspires you? What is your strong?

Do you remember the kid you knew growing up that was always recording mixed tapes for people or making you listen to music you hadn't heard of? That was me! I can remember specific emotional connections to music throughout my life, and I really enjoy trying to fulfill my students with that same passion.

What is your favorite Techy Tool?

I could not live without my projector/powerpoints.

What is your favorite Caffeinated Beverage?

Trader Joe's Mexican Pinion Coffee

Favorite children's book?

The Invention of Hugo Cabret

Favorite teacher you've ever had?

Barbara Bohenko (Powell). She was my elementary music teacher. She made music fun and gave me opportunities to shine at an early age. Because of her, I performed in two operas and had numerous solo performances singing with my guitar in elementary school. When I was in high school, I would meet people and they would say, "Hey, you're the kid with the guitar at Benjamin Franklin Elementary". We are friends on Facebook today and she often comments on posts relating to my concerts and students. I cherish having that connection with her.

And just look at that little elementary school Ben! I can only imagine that he kept his teachers very busy!

So for this interview, I did something a little different. Ben's sweet daughter Sophia is in 2nd grade at our school and I thought it would be fun to interview her along with one of her friends who loves Mr. Porter too. Sterling happily agreed to help with the interview. I had Sterling answer first, and then Sophia answered with what she thought would be the correct answer. No one knows you like your family, right? It turned out to be one of my favorite interviews so far! Enjoy! 

1. How old is Mr. Porter?

Sterling: 40
Sophia: 49 and his birthday is December 18. This interview was done before this post, so he is now the big 5-0. I still have trouble believing that though.  

2. What does Mr. Porter do for fun?

Sterling: Play music with his daughter Sophia
Sophia: He watches TV, like on Sunday he always watches the Cowboys and gets really loud when they score.

3. What would Mr. Porter do with $1,000,000?

Sterling: Buy some guitars, pianos, and some electric guitars.
Sophia: Since our dog chews everything, I think he would get some new carpet.

4. If Mr. Porter wasn't a music teacher, what would he be?

Sterling: A Rock Star!!! His band would be called the Rockin' Porters
Sophia: Well, he used to work at Burger King. He might want to just do that.
I think I'll go with Sterling's answer on this one, but Sophia's answer cracked me up! 

5. If Mr. Porter was a fruit, which one would he be?

Sterling: A peach because he is sweet and nice.
Sophia: A strawberry because he is sweet.

6. What scares him?

Sterling: A huge, gigantic, ugly spider.
Sophia: A haunted house with zombies in it

7. What is something Mr. Porter doesn't like?

Sterling: If kids don't try their hardest to sing and then they sound terrible
Sophia: Black olives

8. If Mr. Porter could teleport, where would he go?

Sterling: Hawaii
Sophia: Alabama to the beach

9. What makes Mr. Porter so special?

Sterling: He likes kids and he teaches us really sweet. He helps if we need it and he is very encouraging.
Sophia: He is honest, sweet, and gets along with lots of people. He is the best dad ever! 

That's a wrap, folks! Have a great Tuesday! 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Jennifer! This was a fun one to write!

  2. That is so incredibly true of our amazing music teacher. You have never met a music teacher that goes above and beyond like Mr. Porter. He inspired both of my personal kiddos to fall in love with music. He is so truly gifted. Bravo, Mr. Porter!

    1. So agree with all of this! We are so lucky to have him at Beverly!
