Why do some of us love quotes so much? Maybe it's because they remind us that we are not alone? Someone else has felt the same thing we are feeling, they just put it into words more eloquently.
Here are 5 quotes that have inspired me over the years. I can't wait to hear yours!
Here are 5 quotes that have inspired me over the years. I can't wait to hear yours!
I first stumbled along this quote right after my mom was diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer and it really stuck with me. I knew she had a long journey ahead of her, but that she is a fighter and her troubles had better watch out. I then passed this quote to my friend Nora, when her sweet mom was diagnosed the next year. I am happy to report that both of our mommas took a big ol' bat and kicked cancer to the curb!
The picture below the quote is from the Susan G. Komen 3 Day Walk that Nora and I did to support our moms. 60 miles is no joke!
Listening is often hard for adults. We have our opinions, we think we are right, we don't want to listen to the other side. Now more than ever, I think it is time to listen.
This has been one of my favorites for years. I even had it on my MySpace profile back in the day #top8. I try to live my life this way and so far it has been a pretty fun, worthwhile ride.
This is sometimes frustrating, but oh so true. Things, people, and material objects can only take you so far. You have to decide to be happy before you can experience real joy.
This book has been a family favorite for years. I guess since about 1986...
I still have my original copy of this book in my office at school. It's very well loved and is something I will always cherish.

Faith, love, friendship, hope, empathy, and compassion are just a few of the things we cannot see. But our belief in these, creates this beautiful world we live in.
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