I can't believe we are finally here. You are graduating from high school in two days and making the exciting/scary/bittersweet transition to college. You are 12 years older, smarter, and taller (when did that happen?)! A first class is truly something special. I would not be the educator I am today without the influence of that very first year. In many ways, it made me who I am as a teacher and counselor.
I remember the first day of school like it was yesterday. I was awake and dressed by 5:00 am, sitting in my apartment, anxiously ready to leave even though it was much too early. I remember walking into my classroom and seeing everything set up so perfectly and ready for a sweet little class of first graders. I remember the bell ringing, greeting each one of you, the announcements coming on, and saying the pledge. I thought I was really #nailingit, but when the announcements ended you all turned to look at me. I remember thinking, "Oh no, what do I do now? What do I say? I have to say something, they are all looking at me." They don't teach you that part in college. I squeaked out a standard, "Good morning, class." and you all responded, "Good morning, Miss Bulino." and just like that, we were on our way.
It's kind of weird to think about it this way, but I was only 23 when I met you. Just a few years older than you are now. I remember my mom being very concerned about making sure I looked "professional" on picture day. She took me shopping and somehow convinced me that this was a good look...
It's kind of weird to think about it this way, but I was only 23 when I met you. Just a few years older than you are now. I remember my mom being very concerned about making sure I looked "professional" on picture day. She took me shopping and somehow convinced me that this was a good look...
At the reunion, I heard some of you laughing at yourselves saying, "Look what I'm wearing." But when I pointed out that what your teacher was wearing was the MOST ridiculous outfit of the bunch, we had a good laugh #drapes #whatnottowear. Let's try this again...
Honestly, that year was sort of a blur. I felt like I was constantly a step behind my team, trying to figure out the best ways to teach you. I stayed late, I cried, I worried constantly, but in the end, we all turned out just fine. I seem to remember the little things, cute little things you said and did. All of those "little things" really just turned out to be me trying to understand who you were and how to treat you so that I didn't totally mess you up. It also turned into the life long lesson of the importance of building a classroom community of respect and love. Some of the things I remember and will always cherish were...
Reading Magic Tree House...
Our trip to the zoo...
The King Midas Golden Feast...
And of course, Dance Party Friday. Anyone down to do the Tooty Ta?
The thing is, I am sure I taught you some things along the way that year, but you taught me more than I can ever thank you for. You taught me to be a teacher. From you, I learned that teaching is not just a job, it is a way of life. You taught me to have passion for my job and to put my whole heart into every single child every single day. You taught me the most valuable lesson of all, if your students know you love them, the rest is a piece of cake.
Way back in 2006 on the last day of school, I had you write something you learned. Here is a little then and now comparison to remind you how far you have come. Sidenote- I have not changed any of your spelling or grammar from your first grade writing because it is just too cute!
Then: I learned how to spell "because" and I am glad I learned devishoin.
Now: You are full of life and your smile lights up the room. I can tell you have a great sense of humor and life has great things in store for you. You radiate happiness and Oklahoma State will be a better place with you there.
Then: I learned so much stuff I had not know before I came to first grade
Now: You are the valedictorian and headed to Harvard. I am so glad I was able to be a tiny fraction of your educational experience. Your dedication, perseverance, and positive attitude are going to carry you through life. You have always been kind, loving, and compassionate and those are the most important things in life.
Then: I learned two numder digites and lots of other new other new things.
Now: You literally glow. When I am around you, I can't help but smile. You are kind to everyone you see and make everyone feel included. Minnesota is lucky to have you and you are sure to warm up the cold weather with your happy smile.
Then: I learned to be respectful because it is nice.
Now: You are still respectful and of course, nice as usual. You have a quiet humility about you and still, have a great sense of humor. I am so proud of all that you have accomplished. I know that you will be successful in all your future endeavors.
Now: You are still respectful and of course, nice as usual. You have a quiet humility about you and still, have a great sense of humor. I am so proud of all that you have accomplished. I know that you will be successful in all your future endeavors.
Then: I learned math because you get to do 2+4=6 that is cool.
Back then, you had a lot of love for the Longhorns and I remember our playful banter during college football season.
Now: The college rivalries have only changed just a little bit and now you are committed to Arkansas. I can't wait to see you on the football field and even though my love for the Red Raiders runs deep, my love and respect for you run deeper. You can count on me to be cheering you on this fall. The next few pics captured by Katie Phillips are the perfect representation of our conversation...
Blake: I mean, I'm sorry Miss Bulino, but Arkansas is just better than Tech.

Me: What did you just say? **Cue the smack on the arm
In the end, I will forgive you and your Arkansas pride. I am so proud of you!!!!
Back then, you had a lot of love for the Longhorns and I remember our playful banter during college football season.
Now: The college rivalries have only changed just a little bit and now you are committed to Arkansas. I can't wait to see you on the football field and even though my love for the Red Raiders runs deep, my love and respect for you run deeper. You can count on me to be cheering you on this fall. The next few pics captured by Katie Phillips are the perfect representation of our conversation...
Blake: I mean, I'm sorry Miss Bulino, but Arkansas is just better than Tech.
Me: What did you just say? **Cue the smack on the arm
Now: I am so sad I didn't get to see you at the reunion. You were always giving me little tips and tricks that you picked up in Kindergarten. I will never forget that during the first week of school I was letting everyone choose whatever color of paper they wanted for a project and you said, "Don't let them pick, it's going to take too long. You just need to say, you get what you get, and you don't throw a fit."
I have used that advice since that day and it has helped more than you could know.
I have used that advice since that day and it has helped more than you could know.
Then: I learned to add and subtract or I would not know sums to 18.
Now: You have turned into such a kind, respectful, polite young man. Your dedication, hard work, and empathy for others will take you far in life. I can't wait to see all that you accomplish. Your smile says it all. You are open, happy, and thoughtful.
Now: You have turned into such a kind, respectful, polite young man. Your dedication, hard work, and empathy for others will take you far in life. I can't wait to see all that you accomplish. Your smile says it all. You are open, happy, and thoughtful.
Then: I learned a hole lot of things like math and other things.
Now: I was so sad I didn't get to see you at the reunion. Your friends all say that you are doing well and that you are just as kind and considerate as you always were. I hope you know I am thinking of you and that you achieve all of your dreams.
Now: I was so sad I didn't get to see you at the reunion. Your friends all say that you are doing well and that you are just as kind and considerate as you always were. I hope you know I am thinking of you and that you achieve all of your dreams.
Then: I learned how to rite and read because I love to read and rite.
Now: You are still just the sweetest thing and I loved chatting with you and your mom at the reunion. I will always remember your Nutcracker performance and your sweet hugs. I am glad to see that you are still the empathetic, compassionate girl you always were. I am thankful for kind souls like you.
Then: I learned math because now I can add in the one hundreds.
Now: You have so much poise and grace. I want to be like you when I grow up ;). I will always remember that sweet, quiet little girl who had a smile as big as Texas. I love seeing how your personality has blossomed and the kind way you treat everyone around you.
Now: You have so much poise and grace. I want to be like you when I grow up ;). I will always remember that sweet, quiet little girl who had a smile as big as Texas. I love seeing how your personality has blossomed and the kind way you treat everyone around you.
Then: I learned math. So much math.
Now: You are full of life and sparkle. You have charisma and that is something that cannot be taught. Keep that happy, loving attitude and it will take you farther than all that math you learned. I hope you have so much fun at OK State and know that Stillwater is going to be a better place when you are there.
Now: You are full of life and sparkle. You have charisma and that is something that cannot be taught. Keep that happy, loving attitude and it will take you farther than all that math you learned. I hope you have so much fun at OK State and know that Stillwater is going to be a better place when you are there.
Then: I learned about whales because my favorite animal is an Orca.
You were always teaching me something and it was usually pretty funny. You loved animal research and often came to school with a new piece of information you had learned the night before.
Now: I cannot believe how grown up you are! I almost didn't recognize you, but it was that same sweet smile from the picture above that reminded me. As you head off to A&M I hope you take your kind heart, wealth of knowledge, and happy attitude with you. I hope you never lose your love of learning.
You were always teaching me something and it was usually pretty funny. You loved animal research and often came to school with a new piece of information you had learned the night before.
Now: I cannot believe how grown up you are! I almost didn't recognize you, but it was that same sweet smile from the picture above that reminded me. As you head off to A&M I hope you take your kind heart, wealth of knowledge, and happy attitude with you. I hope you never lose your love of learning.
Then: I learned math and anything eles you need to learn in first grade.
Now: One of the best experiences I had was having you help with my summer school class last year. You will make an amazing counselor because you truly care about people and have the heart to be kind and patient with kids. The lives you influence will be infinite, but know that you started by influencing mine for the better.
Now: One of the best experiences I had was having you help with my summer school class last year. You will make an amazing counselor because you truly care about people and have the heart to be kind and patient with kids. The lives you influence will be infinite, but know that you started by influencing mine for the better.
Then: I learned math, frashins, and to count by 2, 5, 10, and 20 because I like to do that.
You were a joy to teach even if it came with a little mischief. On the very first day of school, I was giving the class a tour of the school and you said, "Blah, blah, blah. We already know this. We went to school here last year, remember." I cracked up and realized you were right. And hey, I hadn't been there the year before and that was when I started to realize you were going to teach me more than I could ever teach you.
Now: I almost cried when I saw you at the race. You are so grown up and still so sweet and kind. I hope you will always have a love for Pat Green and that you stay in touch. Some day, we need to sit down and I can tell you sooooo many funny stories of your days in first grade.
You were a joy to teach even if it came with a little mischief. On the very first day of school, I was giving the class a tour of the school and you said, "Blah, blah, blah. We already know this. We went to school here last year, remember." I cracked up and realized you were right. And hey, I hadn't been there the year before and that was when I started to realize you were going to teach me more than I could ever teach you.
Now: I almost cried when I saw you at the race. You are so grown up and still so sweet and kind. I hope you will always have a love for Pat Green and that you stay in touch. Some day, we need to sit down and I can tell you sooooo many funny stories of your days in first grade.
That's it. The class of 2017. My very first class. You hold a special place in my heart. Know that wherever you do, whatever you do, I will be cheering you on. Please keep in touch and let me know the many successes that are bound to come your way. Thank you again for everything. It's not goodbye, it's see you later.
"So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life's A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and 3/4 100 percent guaranteed). Kid, you'll move mountains."
~Dr. Seuss