
Wednesday, October 12, 2016

What's Up Wednesday

What I'm Working On

Red Ribbon Week is just around the corner. I am so excited to bring in some new themes this year that our school has never done before. I am also VERY excited to get creative with my costume ideas. Here's a little look at what we have coming up later in October:

Monday: Celebrate Red Ribbon Week
We will all be decked out in red from head to toe!

Tuesday: Be a Hero, Don't Do Drugs
This theme day will have our students and staff dressing as their favorite superhero. For this theme day, I found this awesome Wonder Woman shirt at Target...

Wednesday: A Minion Reasons to Be Drug Free
I am so excited for this one. I found this amazing onesie at Target as well...

Thursday: Elect to Be Drug Free
We are all dressing up in Red, White, and Blue. Now I am really glad I kept all of my leftover 4th of July props. I had big plans to wear my Texas Rangers red, white, and blue to celebrate the World Series, but I guess I'll have to find another plan. #bitter

Friday: Have Character, Don't Do Drugs
We are all dressing up as a favorite movie or book character. I am having the hardest time deciding on one, so this might be a last minute decision.

Heard Around the Halls

I taught a lesson in 5th grade and we read this book...

We discussed point of view and perspective. These kids really had some great thoughts about why people see the same event and have two different stories. One girl said, 

“Their experiences, emotions, and desires make them hear only the part they want to hear. They can’t even see the other side of the story, but also I don't think they are trying.”

Yes, ma’am. Please run for president!

We did an activity where they had to take on the point of view of one of the characters. They were either the 3 pigs, the wolf, the wolf's granny, or the media. They had a few minutes to discuss their POV with a group and then were supposed to share their thoughts. The media representative was pro-wolf. The group discussed the cheap construction of the pigs' houses, the poor wolf just wanting some sugar, and the wolf's unfortunate cold. It was great. As his speech was ending, I noticed his shirt. I asked if he thought the media was ever biased. Of course not, he replied. But y'all look at his shirt...
He was such a good sport and we got the BIGGEST kick out of it. 

A Counselor's Life

In 3rd grade last week, we read this book...

I had the students write a recipe for Enemy Pie and then...I got carried away. I do a similar lesson in first grade during friendship week using a video called "Friendship Soup". I am just going to change the title and make this cute craft with the firsties later this year.

Technology Tip

This is a pretty big tip, but if you are in the market for a new computer I highly recommend this one...
I have needed a new computer for a few years now and really thought I wanted a MacBook Pro. I loved my last one, but the best part might have been that my parents bought it for me to use during grad school. Turns out, they are not cheap at all and I was not prepared to put down that kind of money. I did a lot of research, bothered a ton of sales people with silly questions, and wound up with an iMac. I LOVE it. It is the best computer I have ever owned. It makes blogging, designing products, and storing data so easy. It was still pretty pricy, but has so much more memory for about half the cost of the MacBook Pro. 

Something I Am Reading

I love to read before bed and right now I am totally into Erin Hilderbrand books. My latest pick is called Winter Storms. All of her books are great. They are easy reads and I haven't found one that I haven't enjoyed.

UPlifting Inspiration

That's What's Up this Wednesday. I hope you all have a great week.

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